Friday, June 6, 2008

Clubs for a Lady!

There is group of my friends going out over the weekends to play golf. I have played a few times, and, enjoyed it but, these girls are pretty competitive. I don't really want to make a fool of myself so, I started looking for a set of Ladies Golf Clubs that were for beginners. I came across this really nice set that is perfect for gals who only get out to play a few times a year. Who knows I may get good enough to get out there on the green more often!


KH said...

My husband and I have also been looking for a pair of golf clubs that we can both share. I have been a fan of golf since I played in middle school, but right now, we aren't sure how much time we could devote to the sport, so it's best if we only get one set for now...

Liisa said...

This is a great set of clubs to start out with! I have been golfing for a few years and, now my wardrobe is starting to consist of mainly golf shirts & polos! Hey, keep it up, you will be a great golfer in no time!